nada especial -> we moved to

ENDLICH!!! by neelzito
November 19, 2006, 2:24 pm
Filed under: Links, Uncategorized

Juhu! Wir haben endlich unsere eigene domain

Alle neuen und alten Posts sind dort zu finden, also schaut doch mal vorbei!

Let’s Roll by elgrande
November 13, 2006, 11:46 pm
Filed under: hilarious, internetgold, Life Hacks, lustig, video, Weirdos

Kennt ihr schon Jacob?? Jacob hat einiges auf dem Kasten, hier verrät er uns einen seiner Tricks…

aber wußtet ihr auch das Jacob ehemaliger stellvertretender President und Gesundheitsminister Südafrikas war? BBC hat noch einiges mehr auf dem Kasten:

The firm’s adverts, which can be seen on its website, feature jokes at the expense of two senior South African politicians – former Deputy President Jacob Zuma and Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang.

Mr Zuma said in a court case that he had showered after having unprotected sex with a woman he knew to be HIV-positive in order not to contract the virus.

Dr Tshabalala-Msimang is known as „Dr Beetroot“ for her advice to those with HIV to eat nutritious food such as garlic and beetroot.

Mr van Rensburg said he looked at the research into South Africa’s Aids problem and found that low condom use was a real factor and this was largely because people found them difficult to use.

„People find it’s a passion-killer and they’re willing to take their chances.“

He said it had taken him five years‘ hard work to get the product to market.

Pronto condoms are not yet on sale outside South Africa.

Das Video von Dr Tshabalala-Msimang

und für die, die es ganz genau wissen wollen, gibt es auch ein Tutorial Video

Will it blend? by neelzito
November 13, 2006, 3:23 pm
Filed under: hilarious, lustig, marketing

Herrlich! Ich hab eine neue Lieblingssendung auf youtube und die heißt „Will it blend?“. Das Konzept ist einfach aber genial. Es hat was von Spiel, Spass und Spannung. Der Host steckt einfach alle möglichen Sachen in einen Mixer und schaut ob man es mixen kann, darunter Murmeln, Kreditkarten oder Cola-Dosen. Schaut selbst:

Scientology by elgrande
November 6, 2006, 11:09 am
Filed under: bitches with glitches, marketing, Weirdos, zeitgeist

ich wußte nie was Scientology außer der absoluten Verkörperung des Bösen eigentlich sei, und dass komische Hollywoodschauspieler wie Tom Cruise und John Travolta dabei sind, zufällig bin ich auf UrbanDictionary auf einen spannenden Eintrag gestoßen:


A cult founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. There core beliefs are as follows:

This area of the galaxy was once ruled by an alien warlord named Xenu. 65 million years ago his empire was overpopulated horribly, so to combat the overpopulation he had trillions of citizens called in for psychiatric evalutations and tax audits, where they were given paralytic drugs, loaded onto space planes, and flown to Planet Teegeeack. Once on this planet, their bodies were stacked in huge piles around volcanoes, while atom bombs were dropped into these volcanos, instantly killing trillions of galactic citizens.

To keep these people from reincarnating in the rest of the galaxy, Xenu set up a special trap. Powerful force-fields kept their souls (called „Thetans“ in Scientology jargon) from escaping, and these thetans were then shown special holographic movies about the various lies they are supposed to believe, with characters like Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha. Over time, these thetans began to believe Xenu’s lies about false gods, and began to reincarnate on Teegeeack (but the thetans called this world „Earth“). When intelligent life appeared on Teegeeack, thousands or millions of „Thetans“ cling to every native soul (er, „thetan“) and fill it’s head with nonsensical thoughs and irrational beliefs.

The key idea of Scientology is to avoid tax officials and psychiatrists at all costs, while paying the church a large amount of money for special „counseling“ (called „auditing“ in their jargon) to help you reach a special enlightened state called „Clear“ where you telepathically communicate with these „thetans“ clinging to you and force them out of your body, and rid yourself of evil Xenu’s influence.

(By the way, most Scientologists don’t know this, like the Mystery Cults of the Greco-Roman world, Scientology doles it’s doctrine out in tiny doses to it’s new recruits, and tells the public next to nothing about what it believes. You don’t hear that whole story until you reach a special rank in their group called „OT3“ for „Operating Thetan 3“. Their doctrine holds that if this got out, the Thetans in people would revolt at hearing the truth and people would get sick and die possibly just by hearing this story, which of course leads people who aren’t Scientologists who hear this story to tell it to others and watch them not die or get ill from it.)

Quelle: UrbanDictionary
Mehr: Wikipedia (zuvieel Text)
Für alle die nicht so gerne lesen gibt es die ganze Geschichte auch nochmal verfilmt. Und zwar von South Park! Dazu und zur Reaktion von Scientology gibt es auch einen interessanten Wikipedia Artikel.


Yet another village is missing their idiot… by elgrande
November 2, 2006, 9:42 pm
Filed under: politics, video, Weirdos, zeitgeist

Vernon Robinson For Congress

Ah yes, God bless the good ol‘ traditional American values of ignorance, racism, prejudice, homophobia, slander, fear mongering, and ignoring the separation of church and state.

Read the whole story: Philip RothPlot Against America